Derma Clinic


Excessive sweating (HYPERHIDROIS)

Hyperhidrosis is a condition where your body sweats much more than usual, even when you're not hot or exercising. This can happen in areas like your hands, feet, underarms, or face. It’s not dangerous, but it can feel uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing. The good news is there is treatments procedures that help control the excessive sweating. If you feel like you sweat too much, we can help you to get rid of this condition. Contact us TODAY.


Iontophoresis has been used to treat excessive sweating on the hands and feet since the 1940s. Recently there have been device improvements to make the treatment more effective for other body areas, too. Iontophoresis is often recommended for people who've tried prescription or clinical strength antiperspirants, but need a stronger treatment. For people with hyperhidrosis of the hands and/or feet, iontophoresis treatments have been shown to dramatically decrease sweating.

Iontophoresis: It Just Works

End Sweating, Start Living— VISIT Derma Clinic to know more.